project - sea

Can the connection between the members of a group be the main craft of a performance? And is this connection the point at which transdisciplinarity begins?
These research questions made me bring artists from different disciplines together. These group of people has the same wish to create, to express themselfs as artists and the main need of the body to do this.
This project is a research project about the connection between members of a performance group. The connection between the members, the trust into each other will be seen, felt and shared. I think, this natural connection is more import, than the performative skills of each of the mebers of the group. I guess, these truly and honest relations between different people are so humane and natural, that it can be the craft of a performance. There is alway a connection, no one can fake it, you can just learn to use it. To become a this kind of group and to build up this connection you need a lot of time, freedom, trust, play and honesty.
Is it possible to become a unit, if we create together as a group, if we let go the disciplines we are educated in ?
And is this unity and connection the craft of the performance?

hear the project sea
A connection can take place on different layers. Physically, emotionally, in the mind and with the soul. With this project I want to support these different connections equally.
what is public space ? How does the environment invluence the group?
the group

The members:
4 dancers
1 fine art student
1 composer
1 opera singer
Inter/transdisciplinary project Dwarsdriewer Performing Arts Festival
Are you a dancer, sculptor, painter, photographer, musician, circus artist ..... or several of these at heart; and want to explore more, join me in my quest.
I am searching members for an inter/transdisciplinary performance which will be performed at Dwarsdriewer Performing Arts Festival in Germany. I am open to all art disciplines, nationalities, genders ages and I want to connect them through the pure joy of creating.
You as a member are free to give form to your own ideas. And together with the group you decide how the performances will be. There is only one guideline, the performance must fit into the concept of Dwarsdriewer Performing Arts Festival (PAF).
So, the members will make the performances themselves and I am just a helping hand.
If you want to join this interesting project than you must attend the rehearsals on Wednesday evening at Fontys hogeschol voor de kunsten Tilburg (96 hours) and you must travel with us to the north of Germany on 24 - 26 May 2019. (50 hours) Travel cost will be paid, food will be there for us, we will sleep in a tent.
Please send a message expressing your interest until 23rd of september. If you want to get more information about the coaches, the rehearsal time and Dwarsdriewer Perfroming Arts Festival Dwars Driewer send a message too.