Het is waar

Het Is Waar was my first interdisciplinairy project in which I worked very close togehter with the composer Xavier Geerman, the saxofon ensemble Bronkwartet and the visial artist Jolein Kop. Furthermore, fine arts from Clara Sophie Hutzfeldt, me and students from the elementary shool chamelon were included.
Het is waar
inter, multi and transdiciplinairy
Interdisciplinary: This project is a collaboration between different disciplines. The main focus is the fusion between music, dance and visual art. Everything developed together and equally. The composing of the music, structure of the dance and the frame of the visuals were made at the same time, based on a close communicating between the participating artist. Our goal was to make a performance where all disciplines became a unit. None of the elements would make sense without the other one. During the creation process the composing of the music affects the structure of dance and the frame of the visuals. This works the other way around as well. That's how this performance became a unity.
Transdisciplinary: The musicians were performers and played particular characters. The goal was to make them a real part of the performance, not only by hearing, but also by seeing and of course by feeling them.
Multidisciplinary: During the creation process the fine art artist drew two paintings, they developed next to the collaboration and were inserted in the product. Next to this I made a personal research about the permission of craziness, with students of an elementary school. I allowed them to draw their craziest thoughts. Those drawings where exposits next to the entrance to the performance.